Natasha Dublin-Collatos

WHY IS VOLUNTEER WORK IMPORTANT IN YOUR LIFE?? We need to leave the world better than we found it – and volunteering is a way to give back no matter what your finances are. Find something you are passionate about and volunteering is even more rewarding than a paid job (well maybe don’t tell HR […]
Rachael Conti

WHY IS VOLUNTEER WORK IMPORTANT IN YOUR LIFE?? Volunteering for AIGA CT adds variety to my daily work life, as well as helps foster new relationships and connections with other volunteers and event attendees. There are so many amazing people that I’ve met from volunteering! And, not to mention, the overall fulfillment of knowing that […]
Kelly Day

WHY IS VOLUNTEER WORK IMPORTANT IN YOUR LIFE?? Volunteer work is important to me because it not only makes a positive difference in the world but also provides a sense of fulfillment. Giving back to people and communities goes a long way towards creating a better version of yourself and others. It also allows you […]
Dulce Wills

If you could have dinner with 3 inspirational women, dead or alive, who would they be and why? Friday Kahlo is a force in the art world; her 1938 self-portrait, titled ‘The Frame’ was the first work by a 20th-century Mexican artist to ever be featured in the louvre. Maya Angelou grew up during segregation […]
Terra Van Buren

IF YOU COULD HAVE DINNER WITH 3 INSPIRATIONAL WOMEN, DEAD OR ALIVE, WHO WOULD THEY BE AND WHY?? Harriet Tubman, Marsha P. Johnson, and Stacey Abrams. Women of different periods, advocating for different urgencies, yet at the core is the consistent fight for basic human rights.
Tracey Goodfriend

IF YOU COULD HAVE DINNER WITH 3 INSPIRATIONAL WOMEN, DEAD OR ALIVE, WHO WOULD THEY BE AND WHY?? Brene Brown: She’s inspired so many people to be their best selves and become the best leaders they can. I’d love to have her lead the dinner and drop whatever wisdom she’s gained from her most recent […]