With Younger Audiences Going Ad-Free, Brand Integration Is More Important Than Ever

Meilani Weiss, R&CPMK’s EVP of Brand Integrations, shares the importance of strategic placement in her new op-ed piece for Media Post. To view the article, click here. Media consumption of the modern viewer looks very different than it did just a few short years ago. The COVID-19 pandemic, along with the preferences of both millennial […]
It’s Time for Brands to Meet Fans at Music Moments

LIVE AND VIRTUAL OPPORTUNITIES FOR BRANDS TO PLUG INTO AS MUSIC ROARS BACK TO LIFE Mike Dunn, EVP of Music and Entertainment at R&CPMK, recently wrote a piece for Campaign US sharing his insight on what the music landscape will look like post pandemic, and how brands can seize the moment. As an expert in […]
Why Big Brands Want to Partner with Artists

THE ART OF BRAND PARTNERSHIPS. Advertising and marketing are both industries that have long relied upon storytelling—and in today’s digital world, that has never been more important or true. With that in mind, big brands, in particular, are constantly looking for ways to remain relevant and top-of-mind with consumers. And one of the best ways […]
Building a Successful Brand Partnership: 4 Ways to Create Alignment

BUILDING THE BRAND.MAKING THE MUSIC. Music and the artistry that it involves is powerful—and today, more than ever before, brands have been using music as they seek to create an emotional connection with their targeted consumer base. In order to appeal to individual demographics, brands are seeking to formulate experiences that inspire, promote passion […]

CHANGING THE SPORTS GAME. In recent years, esports has grown into a worldwide entertainment phenomenon. For those who are unfamiliar, esports is essentially a multiplayer video game, played competitively and for the benefit of a spectator audience. Most of the time, esports competitions are handled by professional gamers. The audience, meanwhile, may stream the action […]