Introducing the refreshed (and rebranded!) Power of Influence quarterly trends and insights report, brought to you by R&CPMK’s talent and influencer team. Each quarter, we aim to bring you a detailed look at what is shifting in content and culture, how these shifts impact your business, and how the power of influencers can be harnessed to make impact online and IRL.
In this edition, we explore how consumers and talent alike have been rejecting the status quo in pursuit of escapism, purpose, and fulfilment. There’s evident hunger for novelty in all aspects of life: entertainment, technology, love, career, and so much more. Despite global cost of living crises and recessions, people are becoming comfortable with being uncomfortable if it means they will feel something truly new. Playing it safe in the face of crisis is no longer the way for brands or for talent.
If you would like to explore how R&CPMK can put your brand at the centre of culture please get in touch.
Download the latest report here.